
interzum @home 2021
Furniture Designs


The design has been named after Norfolk, a county in Great Britain with wonderful reed landscapes. This design appeals with its linear form. Norfolk styled in light shades creates a very harmonious effect – composed in powerful hues it presents a wonderful play on colours.

Application: furniture, kitchen, living areas and interior design, caravan

Article: 12033226


Linum presents fine fibres that recall an MDF panel and are styled like negative pores. Its purist look and the diversity of the potential colour nuances make this decor an ideal fit with metals or stones.

Application: surface, furniture, front profile, caravan

Article: 12032877


Grimspound presents an original moorland oak with peaceful elegance and light planking effect. A hint of diagonal bars and the striations inherent in the decor generate an appealing structure.

Application: home furniture, kitchen, bathroom, caravan, doors, panels

Artikel: 12031523


The distribution and characteristic properties are moderate, creating a restrained impact that remains authentic and with the hint of a 3D effect. Marès is the local designation of a particular sandstone known as calcarenite that is found on the Balearic Islands.

Application: kitchen, home furniture, bathroom

Artikel: 12032424

Culver Oak

The inspired constellation of fingers in different widths makes processing the decor simple and easy. Culver Oak is a decor for that desirable everyday glamour in the “Hollywood Regency Style”: highly expressive, contemporary, upscale, and timeless.

Application: kitchen, bathroom, home furniture

Article: 12032797


The design Karlsbad is an elegant fine-grained marble impression with a distinct depth effect. The natural stone template for this decor development has a split-rough surface. Long, almost straight quartz veins lie almost like a layering on the flat, veined, natural stone structure.

Application: worktop, bathroom, home furniture

Artikel: 12030141